From Chaos to Calm - For a more Peaceful, Happy and Healthy life


“A few months ago I was able to get a couple back to back craniosacral treatments with Carla while she was in my town on a traveling work trip. She has a great presence about her and made me feel really comfortable and at ease right away. At the time I had been suffering from a new shoulder injury for a couple months that was creating trouble for me and especially while I slept. I had tried massage a couple times with no success. After the first cranial treatment I noticed it eased up quite a bit. About a week after she gave me the second treatment my shoulder was no longer an issue. To this day my shoulder still feels great. What I love about craniosacral with Carla is she not only addresses physical issues but emotional as well. She was able to find areas in my body that were blocked and stagnate. I didn't realize I had been holding on to past experiences and emotions until she was able to find them and bring it to my attention. Taking care of my body in this emotional & physically healing way has been life changing. Carla has an incredible healing touch and I have never had a body worker more in-tuned with my body and its needs then her. She has a very special gift that I see helping and healing so many people.”  - Erin L. School Teacher

“I just wanted to let you know that the sphenoid work you did has had a huge impact! Seriously, my headaches haven’t returned, and for once my massage therapist was able to get in and release my neck muscles. My pain is gone and discomfort minimized. I truly appreciate you - I can actually think clearly now, and it has been helpful for me to assess my situation and consider my goals. Thank you my friend!”

“I went to see Carla because I had ringing in my ears (tinnitus). I had 2 sessions with her and felt such a sense of IMMENSE relaxation and total body healing. She is magical without a doubt! I just heard an advertisement on the radio for a tinnitus treatment and realized..."Hey- I don't have ringing in my ears anymore. And I can't remember having it since my sessions with Carla!!! Wow!" I recommend her for healing anything to do with healing your body, mind, spirit, nervous system, ...tinnitus. she is awesome and also a wonderful, nice, caring person. If you are reading this message....go in for a session!”

“The other day I received a distance healing treatment from Carla Carrasco. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect but have been on a trajectory of self care in the last year and was certain that it would be helpful. To say that I was blown away but what Carla was able to uncover for me (past trauma) would be an understatement. The ease in which she was able to read subtle shifts in my body that were informing her of how to assist me was astounding. The session was intense but left me feeling more at peace and more in charge of how I can make shifts in my decisions and behaviors that will help improve my quality of life. She certainly has a gift.” - Shannon R.

“My goals for working with Carla with craniosacral therapy were to help relieve jaw tension and pain, and to see what other aches and pains from exercise and everyday life could be addressed.  I got way more out of Carla's work than that!  Since receiving weekly craniosacral work, I feel like I'm more aware of myself and my body.  This has helped me deal with physical stress to my body but also mental and emotional stress. I have noticed that I'm able to cope with difficult situations that would've caused anxiety in the past, and I have more awareness and control of emotional overreactions.  I've found a peace and focus in my life that is the result of the practices I've learned from Carla.  I've also found that it's easier to recover after strong workouts and activities like running or bike riding.  And of course, my jaw pain has been significantly reduced.  Carla is particularly talented in interpreting and coaching to the effects of craniosacral work and she makes the sessions very comfortable and welcoming.  She's been an asset to my health these last few months and I'm grateful for the work she does.”  - Sarah B. Owner of Body Work Space

“I met Carla at the Grand Opening of her space in Encinitas and received a free mini-session - my first experience with CranioSacral therapy.  Her intuition and insights within just 10 minutes were amazing, and I booked a 90 minute session.  4 sessions later, I can say that I am blessed to have discovered Carla and to receive her support!  She's helped me recover from a pinched nerve in my neck, other overuse injuries, and given me awesome support even when I think I'm already feeling "fine" - in fact, that's when the deeper emotional work really happens.  Today I had a distance session with Carla and Wow. I already knew that her somato-emotional work was deeply insightful and have gotten huge benefit from what she helped me explore, so I thought we could have a powerful session even by phone.  It was incredible.  With the addition of Theta healing, I really felt some big shifts and got awesome clarity.
Highly recommended, whether you can see her in Encinitas or need to work remotely.” - Susi V.

“My top three goals working with Carla were to lessen anxiety, figure out what to do with my life/career and improve my health. I needed someone objective in my corner. Carla helped me work toward these goals by mostly talking it out, goal setting, providing tools, and a different perspective. The biggest tangible change I’ve noticed is less anxiety and more movement toward healthy change. Carla is supportive, honest, straight up, real, helpful, super smart and motivated. She loves what she does and believes in the process. I would recommend her to everyone!” - Tanya H.

“My goals upon working with Carla were to get pregnant, achieve better health through nutrition, and being proactive about finding the correlation between depression and nutrition. Carla helped by talking with me about ways to balance life, work, home, and making time for me. She helped me be accountable and offered recommendations and suggestions for trying new foods and helping me succeed. I now have an awareness of when things are out of balance, and what to do to get back in balance. The most significant overall change I’ve noticed is less depression and anxiety and more happiness and joy through the practice of gratitude. I also achieved a healthy pregnancy! Carla is badass! (LOL, In a good way of course!)  She is kind and compassionate, but also knows how to tell it like it is and show you “tough” love to help you progress forward. I would recommend Carla to anyone looking to improve their health, whether through diet & food changes or improving other areas of life. She is a wealth of knowledge. I can’t thank Carla enough for sticking with me and walking through some pretty difficult times over the last 6 months. I am forever grateful to have met and gained a new friend through it all.” - Kristi B.