From Chaos to Calm - For a more Peaceful, Happy and Healthy life

Akashic Consultation

Akashic Records Consultation


So you’ve landed on this page for probably a couple different reasons; you’re curious, intrigued, never heard of the records, heard of the records but have not done work with them, or do work with the records and want to see if I might be a good fit for you.

I had never really heard much about the records until the coming of 2022 when the word kept showing up multiple times in my field. It felt like an angel was gently grabbing my hand and leading me toward where I needed to be next. In January of 2022, I took an 8 week course on what the records were and how to connect with them. The course was fascinating and helped me to further fine tune my ‘Clair’ abilities (how I intuitively see, hear, feel, & sense the world). What I realized is that I am already doing this type of work and now I have different words, intentions and tools I can use to go about receiving and relaying the information.

One way of receiving information is by way of ‘Guides’. Guides can come in many forms; People (alive or passed), Masters, Angels, Animals, Spirit, Symbols, etc. Those pictured above are some of the Guides that often show up for me. My brain has an AMAZING way of picturing these guides. Don’t ask me why Archangel Gabriel shows up shirtless with just jeans and wings, why Archangel Metatron is always the Beast from ‘Beauty and the Beast’, why Mary Magdalene appears young, fierce and confident in her red dress, or why ‘my’ Jesus looks like Jason Momoa…what can I say? My mind likes seeing what it likes to see…

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are a complete account of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human.

How are Akashic Consultations Helpful?

I find consultations helpful to navigate present life as well as being helpful in bringing clarity and understanding to past and present situations, past lives, & future possibilities. They can be helpful to release past traumas from this lifetime, past down generationally, or from past lifetimes. The information revealed to you in a session is exactly what you need to hear/learn in that moment, at that time, to support you on your journey.

How to prepare and what to expect for a reading.

My consultations are 1 hour long and done through Zoom. You will receive a link to the meeting through email. A private link to your recorded session will be included once the session is completed. ***If you do not have zoom, please reach out to me via text to let me know how you’d prefer to connect.

Come to the meeting prepared with 3-5 questions. Open ended questions are best. Some example questions might be:

Is there information or key messages waiting form me today?

What particular guides are present for me today?

What is a past life that’s connected to something I am dealing with presently?

Who is ‘_____’ (fill in the blank with a name) to me?

What is blocking me from having a relationship/love/money/health/friends, etc.?

How can I improve my relationship with my spouse/ father/mother/sister/ brother/friend/boss?

Are there any past lives with my spouse/father/mother/sister/brother/friend/boss that
would be beneficial for me to know about at this time?

What did I come here to accomplish in relationship to my work/marriage/ children/health/ spiritual path?

What did I bring into this lifetime to clear/resolve with my spouse/my family/health/money?