From Chaos to Calm - For a more Peaceful, Happy and Healthy life

QALM Distance Sessions



QALM Distance Sessions

I am highly skilled in listening and helping people get clear about what habits and programs their subconscious is thinking and believing.

Distance sessions can be incredibly healing and positively life changing. They are an ‘Experiential’ form of healing. Meaning, when asked, sessions are difficult to describe in the form of how they are working and what is actually happening. The situation as a whole is unique, but most notable are the positive effects and feelings a person experiences after a session.

I have found a way to integrate my intuitive abilities, several modalities and thought systems, along with a method of questioning that helps people tap into their subconscious to bring forth important information that a person needs to look at or pay attention to. This work often helps people get clear on subconscious programs that make their life chaotic and are holding them back in some way.

  • People Who Can Benefit from a Distance Session

  • Individuals coping with stress or going through a difficult time

  • Anyone who has a difficult time communicating their feelings out loud

  • Emotional pain, Anxiety, Depression

  • People who know they have a block of some sort and want to move forward in a positive direction

  • Persons wanting to “make sense” of difficult or challenging situations

  • Individuals who notice and would like to change patterns that are no longer helpful in their current life. Ex/ Dating individuals who appear to have similarities, difficulty with functional relationships, worries about the future, difficulty obtaining satisfaction, not finishing projects, issues with perfection, the list goes on…

  • Persons who have emotional blockages that may be causing physical pain manifestations in their bodies.

  • People looking to create a link between the mind and body.

What to Expect from a Session

Sessions are typically conducted over the phone and last about 1 hour. They can also be conducted over Zoom, FaceTime, or WhatsApp video. Any comfortable position will do. Feedback from client’s have stated that they preferred having a place to lay down with their eyes closed. It’s best to be hands free from your device so you will need air pods/ear buds or speakerphone. I ask that clients be able to block out the hour & be free from any distractions like kids, family, cell phone calls, work, activities and other interruptions.

It’s best to come into these sessions without expectation. Keep your mind open and don’t try to force thoughts; let them come naturally with the process. Your subconscious and higher self knows which layer of “life” needs to be worked on first. The subconscious has interesting ways of bringing awareness to situations. Sometimes it’s very direct, other times it does so with body sensations, images, sounds, memories, colors, etc.

Through the principles of quantum physics, using my mind’s eye I tap into the other person’s energetic field to find where an energetic mass or blockage is located. There are several intermittent moments of silence throughout the session. At times I have the client put their awareness on a specific body location and have them get into a state of calm by slowing down their breath. When I sense a shift in the person’s energetic field, I begin the process of questioning. The questions bring clarity on many levels. They help tap into the subconscious by bringing awareness to life situations and programs that are creating chaos and also help with clarifying what programs promote peace and calm.

As I am listening to what the client is saying I am also paying attention to what comes into my awareness. Some of what comes into my consciousness includes images, I hear words and questions (for the client), and I pay attention to shifts in energy. When I see images in my mind, I’ll ask the client what that image means to them. The same occurs if I hear specific words. Sometimes I will hear that I need to ask the client a clarifying question. I listen for how to properly formulate the question. The intention of these questions and the way it is asked is designed to get the answer from the subconscious thought system as opposed to the rational conscious one. I have found that holding a soft object between my hands helps me to feel the energetic shifts during sessions. I honestly don’t have an explanation of why or how this happens, it just does. I have come to the conclusion that the energetic shift I feel is linked to important information that is currently going through the client’s mind at that particular moment. When I feel the shift, I’ll ask something like, “What is coming up for you now?”, or “What are you noticing here?”

The foundation of QALM sessions are based on a quantum approach to healing.  A process of fine-tuning the frequency of molecules that helps turn chaos into calm.  The quantum field is an invisible field of energy and information that exists beyond space and time. It’s beyond anything you can perceive with your senses. This field of energy and information is what governs all the laws of nature. Deepak Chopra wrote, “In order for consciousness to affect matter, it must affect it at a quantum or subatomic level.” The work is done in this space.

Here is some of the feedback I’ve received from clients:

“My session with Carla was life changing! She helped me discover what has been holding me back my whole life, and was able to reprogram my subconscious mind and replace with something healthier. Since my session with her I’ve felt more positive and able to give myself the love and attention I deserve.”

“This is a transformative therapy and can be helpful to many different people. It is a way to tap into the layers of memory in your body, and heal the emotional and physical reactions we have attached to those experiences.”

“Going into the distance session I wasn't sure if it would actually work. Carla's soothing voice quickly had me relaxed and able to get in touch with my thoughts and feelings. I would definitely recommend this service.”

“Since my session with Carla I feel ready to embrace my Truth. I have shed the heavy coat of sadness I have been carrying around me. Carla helps heal the feelings we all tend to shove deep down, un-dealt with. She brings positivity and light into your subconscious and gives you the tools to continue to better yourself even after your session with her ends.”

“I love you. Thank you for creating a safe space for me to feel comfortable. It was a bit overwhelming tapping into such deep experiences and trauma, but I have already felt a shift in my physical and emotional life. I love my mantra and feeling the sense of power and control it invokes in me when I say it and feel it. Thanks again for helping me trust myself.”

“I have been holding on to so much guilt and self-disgust so when it was explained to me that my feelings were valid and not necessarily my "fault", that I just needed to be reprogrammed into a more positive way, I felt relieved. I wasn't so overwhelmed any more. I suddenly felt like changing and learning this new Truth was something I could handle.”

“Being on the phone, comfortable in my own space, made me feel very relaxed and I was able to calm my mind quicker than If I had traveled to an office.”